Click on the mini courses below to find out more.

Hiring in an Optical

Stop the revolving door of New Hires with this mini course.

You try and try. Then once again, you are short-staffed. Let’s change that narrative.

Frame Board Mastery

The next-level of inventory management.

Many opticals have data, yet have no idea the opportunities that data can bring if they tweaked how they used it!

Poor Fitting Lenses

Properly measured lenses are critical to the clarity of the glasses.

Yet patients are bombarded with more and more options to order lenses that are not giving them the clarity they deserve.

Your Optical Story

If you don't know it, you can't expect your patients to.

Stories create connections. This course will help you to find your optical's story.

Warranties Are Killing You

Don't let them bleed you dry.

Allowing warranties to go unmanaged is gouging your optical's profitability. This mini course will show your team the right way to handle warranties.

Your Mini Course Instructor

CEO & Co-founder of Spexy Kayla Ashlee

Kayla has been known to shake things up. She teaches optical professionals how to transform the state of their mediocre optical to become and independent powerhouse that thrives on change. Whether in-person or in Spexy U, she makes optical adaptation simple!

Read more about Kayla at in the "Beyond the Screen" tab.