The Series that Gets Straight to Business

These quick shorts are fabulous for getting an optical team to rethink the day-to-day.

In these videos Kayla cuts through the BS, challenges the "know it alls", and takes a few moments to get review to what really matters to our opticals in a very real way!

The Series about No Nonsense Optical

    1. Scrubs are for placing catheters

    1. Why is it necessary?

    2. LFVR can make it happen for you!

    1. Bridge Modifications on almost ANY frame!

    2. Refurbish or Repair that frame they LOVED!

    3. Make ANY frame ONE of a kind!

    4. Give new life to frames that were once FABULOUS!

    1. You don't have to stay in an abusive relationship with vision plans.

    1. Who else makes money off your optical's sales?

    2. Patient Centric Dispensing

    3. Brand Name Lenses

    1. Poly is not the best! If you don't know why, START HERE, it's simple.

About this series

  • 29 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Included with Membership